A Brief Overview On Astrology Introduction Astrology is the belief that there exists a meaningful relationship between the positions of celestial bodies and human experience, and that we can systematically determine this relationship. Astrology is “astromancy”, or divination by the stars. An astronomer studies the stars using the scientific method. An astrologer casts horoscopes to predict earthly events, like the fates of nations and individuals. The only possible method to test the validity of astrological influences or predictions is using statistical studies. This means gathering large samples of individuals, tabulating their character traits, and checking if there exists a correlation between these and their horoscopes. Although Pt.Rajneesh Sharma best Nadi astrologers in India did deep research on large number of Horoscope and find that as the mahadasha of native changes of planet he or she facing good or bad experiences in life. Astrology is system in which we not only predict the events but also guide native what is suitable to him in his bad time periods. Different Genres Astrology has many faces. There is popular astrology, commonly found in newspapers. There is also serious astrology, which is the casting and interpretation of horoscopes of individuals. Serious astrology is itself sub-categorized. Natal astrology deals with the horoscope calculated at the moment of birth. Horary astrology determines the auspicious moments to make personal decisions. Mundane or world astrology studies the fates of countries or nations. • Methodology of Astrology The input data an astrologer needs are the date, place and exact time of birth. These will provide the material for the calculations needed to construct the individual’s horoscope. A horoscope is nothing more than a map or diagram of the various planets’ positions at any one point in time, with respect to the earth. The word “horoscope” is derived from the Greek word “horoskopos”, meaning “hour watcher”. Basic ingredients of the horoscope include the sun-sign, the Ascendant, information on the Houses, the Aspects, etc. The astrologer will then proceed to interpret the horoscope, and hence offer advice.
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