Life Event Predictions Report :--- Life Prediction report is analysis of Birth chart, Planetary and Nakshatra in which a person born. The events on time happening in Life of native can be predicted by nakshatra chart.It is by grace of God and Munis they developed such study of Influence of Stars On Human Body. In our Report we give detailed prescription of all major events of Life such as : Education, Litigation, Property, Vechile Purchase, travel , Aboard travel, Health, Career, Child Birth, Time to stay on earth as planet. In Life Predictions report we also include the timings of the above events. For an example we will give you an idea as to when the assets like property/ vehicle will be purchased in life predictions report. We will also give you an idea as to when native will get married (if unmarried) in it. Similarly periods of good health/ bad health/ idea about disease will also be included in the life predictions report etc. Following details can be given in the life predictions report whichever are applicable or can happen in your life. Education Inclination for Education, Success in exams and Intelligence level, Foreign Education, Scholarships, Success in Competition Exams & Interviews, Prizes or Awards.Litigation Litigation and Timing of Litigation, Outcome of Litigation, Imprisonment, Possible causes of imprisonment, Political confinement, Going underground, House arrest, Kidnapping etc. Purchase of Property Combination & Timing of purchase of property, Purchase through Loan, Purchase in Installments, Location & Status of property, Commercial property, Construction of property, Rental income, Loss of property, Partition of property, Sale of property, change of residence.Purchase of Vehicles Combination & Timing of purchase of vehicles, Purchase through loan, Gift of vehicle, Color of vehicle, Theft of vehicle, Non repayment of loan & Loss of vehicle, Sale of Vehicle. Health Timing of disease and Timing of surgery, Transits, Type of diseases, Accidents & Accidental deaths. Travel Condition & place of Visit, Transits, Settling Abroad, Coming back to the Motherland, Combination & Timing of return, Purpose of Travel, Going to Pilgrimage. Career & Financial Prospects Timing of getting a job, No job or obstacles in career, Change in job/business, Timing the change of job, Nature of next job/business & vice versa, Break in career, Suspension, Promotions, Transfer. Marriage Timing of Marriage, Love affairs & Sexual relationships, combinations, Love Marriage, premarital affair and extramarital affairs, Dowry, Timing of Divorce, Manglik dosh, Keeping a Mistress. Children Timing of conceive of child (in case of horoscope of the couple, female horoscope is a must), Pregnancy periods & Miscarriages, Abortion, Gand mool Nakshatras. All events are precisely study By Pt.Rajneesh Sharma ( Expert in Nadi Astrology )
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