Numerology Numerology is a predictive science which deals with numbers. When I say numbers, it implies it carries all the numbers we see in our daily life, like phone number, Vehicle number, ward number in hospital, date, month, year etc. It deals with all. A numerologist working on numerology works on date, month and year of birth of a native and is able to connect prediction with his vehicle number, phone number, age etc. According to numerology all the numbers from 1 to 9 are ruled by certain planets as follows: Number Ruling Planet 1 Sun 2 Moon 3 Jupiter 4 Uranus or Negative Sun/ Rahu 5 Mercury 6 Venus 7 Neptune or Negative Moon/ Ketu 8 Saturn 9 Mars Western numerologist consider number 4 as Uranus whereas Indian Numerologist consider it as negative Sun or Rahu and number 7 western numerologist consider to be ruled by Neptune and Indian numerologist consider to be as Negative Moon or Ketu. It is a common belief as per numerology that inimical planets numbers are not cordial. For an example for relations there will remain enmity between people born with date of birth as number or and date of birth as number 9 as Mars and Saturn are inimical to each other. Similarly Number 1 is inimical to number 4 and people born on these dates will not have cordial relationships. I will talk of applied numerology in as I give more emphasis to astrology than numerology. Numerology is a helping science to the science of Astrology. It lags few questions which remain unanswered in numerology whereas in Astrology we are able to understand why there is difference between twins. Still there are few rules of numerology which work almost hundred percent correct. One of them is number 8. Number 8 and it corresponds to planet Saturn. Saturn signifies obstacles, misfortunes, disease, deceit etc. Number 8 is a number of extremes. When there will be problems they will be extreme and when someone will rise in life it will also be an extreme. I had already stated that numerology works on everything which carries numbers. It is evident on dates for example 26 January – constitution of India 26 January – Earthquake of Bhuj, Gurat 26 November – Terrorist attack on Mumbai 26 – December Tsunami Ashtami – Lord Krishna was born Similarly, when you go and check sectors multiple of 8 i.e. 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53 you find they are distinct sectors of Chandigarh. Henceforth you can check mobile numbers, vehicle numbers, bank A/c numbers etc. and you will find that the phones, vehicles, A/c nos. have something distinct in them respectively. Similarly number 5 signifies love and affection and people born on these dates are very social, love music, attract opposite sex, lively etc. people living in the house no.5 or multiple of 5 are also similar in traits. Lastly number 4 people are eccentric in behaviour. All other numbers according to numerology also imply something or the other however numbers 8, 5, 4 give very accurate results which can be used in Astrology. If someone is born on 8, 17, 26 dates and the horoscope signifies something then the event reaches to extreme. For an example the horoscope signifies problem in marital life then there is all the possibility that marital problem will be intense and will finally lead to divorce. Similarly if horoscope signifies success then sky will be the limit for success. In this manner we can use numerology to sharpen predictive skills in astrology.
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